Target Detection and Interception of Fast, Low-Altitude Targets

target detection

Effective ground-based air defense in extended combat zones requires the mastery of detecting and intercepting very fast, low-altitude targets. To ensure early detection and interception, the evolving nature of modern warfare demands advanced strategies and technologies. In this article, let’s explore key techniques and countermeasures to tackle the challenges posed by these lightning-fast threats in vast combat zones.

Table of Contents
Advanced Mobile Configuration for Early Detection
Create a Mobile Fortress for Rapid Aerial Defense
SPYNEL, The Game Changer in Target Detection and Tracking
Why Combine SPYNEL with MANPADS and Other Antimissile Systems?
Intercepting Low-Altitude Targets: Solutions and Countermeasures
Air Defense Arsenal: Intercepting Low-Altitude Targets
Electronic Warfare In Action: Active Defense Vs Passive Defense
Tactical Maneuvers and Threat Assessment
Rapid Response Tactics for Target Interception
Threat Assessment and Quick Decision-Making
Advanced Mobile Configuration for Early Detection
Create a Mobile Fortress for Rapid Aerial Defense
Trailers with telescopic masts can be strategically and rapidly deployed to form a virtual wall or fortress against low-flying aerial attacks. After a rapid deployment, they serve as platforms for various early warning systems, such as SPYNEL thermal camera and shorter-range X-band radars, or radio frequency detectors.

SPYNEL, The Game Changer in Target Detection and Tracking
HGH SPYNEL solution is key to detect and track very fast, low-altitude targets. This early warning system is specifically designed to cover the layer just above the horizon, where these objects typically fly. As the low-altitude target approaches the sensors, SPYNEL provides regular updates by emitting “pings”* indicating any changes in the flying target’s direction. Precise triangulation is possible thanks to the use of several SPYNEL sensors, giving the target’s 3D position in a 100% passive way. This valuable data is processed by CYCLOPE Software and communicated to other internal software systems. Such information helps interception systems like Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) or Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs) to accurately set their targeting parameters for fast interception.

Why Combine SPYNEL with MANPADS and Other Antimissile Systems?
SPYNEL passive sensors ensure real-time aerial situational awareness without being detected or jammed by the enemy. A SPYNEL-X 3500 sensor and its CYCLOPE video analytics software can be associated to a quickly deployed MANPAD missile launcher to provide automatic detection and tracking ranges of air targets with compatible shooting ranges. The SPYNEL solution can also be combined to a more complex motorized missile station mounted on a vehicle.

Three main advantages:

Panoramic: SPYNEL provides efficient early warning thanks to a full 360° panoramic coverage
Compact: SPYNEL sensors and MANPADS fit in the trunk of a vehicle for a very quick deployment on site
Undectable and unjammable: MANPADS integrated in VSHORADS can use “Fire and Forget” guidance with passive IR seekers. The combination SPYNEL + MANPADS provides a fully passive operation of Air Defense Systems without EM emission.

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